Life of Jesus
Prayer of the Hour:
Please keep the two abducted Archbishops
in your prayers as the Mother Church does
Both Archbishops
were abducted
on Monday April 22, 2013 |
Syriac Orthodox Church News: |
January,17 2015
Private obedience leads to public blessings.
The Bible promises that if we obey God, then He will bless us. In Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Moses told the Israelites, "If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if yo...> More January,13 2015
His Eminence Mor Clemis Eugene Kaplan, received at his Archdiocese Headquarters Ms. Kristina Olney the Director of Government Relations and Outreach and Mr. Ron Morillo of the “In Defense of Christians” (IDC) organization, whose mission is to heighten awareness among policymakers and the general public of the existence of ancient and often persecuted minority communities in the Middle East, particularly Christians. I...> More January,12 2015
افتتح قداسة البطريرك مار إغناطيوس أفرام الثاني يوم الأحد 11 كانون الثاني الذكرى المئوية الأولى للمجازر التي ارتكبها العثمانيون بحق السريان الأرثوذكس "سيفو" وذلك ضمن القداس الاحتفالي الذي دعت إليه الكنيسة السريانية الأرثوذكسية في كاتدرائية مار جرجس البطريركية في دمشق.
والسيفو هو الإسم السرياني المتعارف للمذبحة التي تعرض لها المسيحيون ا...>More January,12 2015
His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II opened the year of the centennial commemoration of Sayfo on Sunday January 11, 2015 celebrating the Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral in Damascus.
Sayfo is the Syriac name of the genocide that affected the Syriac Christians in the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century. The number of victims in Sayfo amounts of half a million Syriac speaking peopl...> More January,11 2015
We want God to change our circumstances, but God wants to use our circumstances to change us.
It can be easy to think that God is obligated to make life easy for us and to remove all of our difficult circumstances. But, the truth is that during hard times God is preparing us for greater things. If He removed the difficult circumstances in our lives, we ...>More January,7 2015
Turkey's Islamic-rooted government has authorized the building of the first church in the country in nearly a century, officials said Saturday.
The church is for the tiny Syriac community in Turkey and will be built in the Istanbul suburb of Yesilkoy on the shores of the Sea of Marmara, which already has Greek Orthodox, Armenian and Catholic churches.
The announcement came after Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu ...> More January,6 2015
امتلأت القلوب فرحاً في سائر كنائس الإبرشية على وسعها وعلى امتدادها الجغرافي، بمناسبة قدوم الأعياد. فالوالدون قَدِموا مع اولادهم ليشاركوهم فرحةَ هذه الاعياد المباركة. وفي كاتدرائية مار أفرام السرياني تهافت المؤمنون لحضور القداديس وتناول القربان المقدس وسماع مواعظ نيافته الإرشادية اللاهوتية التفسيرية.
ويوم الاحد المصادف 4 كانون الثاني إح...>More January,2 2015
Born: 1953 Syria
Died: January 01, 2014 Damascus, Syria
With great sorrow, we announce passing away of the Faithful Eva Salim Fahmi, on Thursday January 01, 2015 in Damascus, Syria.
المؤمنة إيفا سليم فهمي في ذمة الخلودMore January,1 2015
İnanıyorum ki, biz insanlar, O'nun yaratıcı sevgisinde birleşirsek, Rab aramızda olacak.
Farklı inançlar, farklı kültürler olsa bile, medeniyet birdir. Tektir. O da insanlığın ortak medeniyetidir. Doğu-Batı’nın kültürel etkileşiminden beslenmiş olan medeniyettir.
Medeniyet, hayata canlılık kazandırma, geliştirme anlamında hayata hizmet etme çabasıdır. Mutlak Hakikat’ın ruhuna ve hayatın hakikatine ulaşma sev...> More Previous 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Next
Daily Bible Verse
Date of Resurrection Day
Churches of the
Western Archdiocese
St. Ephraim Cathedral, Burbank, CA
St. George Church, San Fernando, CA
St. Mary Church, Orange, CA
St. Paul the Apostle Church, San Diego, CA
St. Elias the prophet Church, Chico, CA
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, San Jose, CA
St. Ignatius of Antioch
Church, Portland, OR
St. Julian Church, High
Desert, CA
St. Mary Church, Phoenix, AZ
St. Ephrem Church, Houston, TX
St. John the Apostle Church, Las Vegas, NV
St. Elias the prophet Church,
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
St. Peter the Apostle Church, San Dimas, CA
St. Matthew the Elder Church, Seattle, Washington
St. Thomas the Apostle, El Cajon, Ca
St. Helena, Palmdale, Ca
St. Behnam, Sacramento, Ca
Holy Cross, San Luis Obispo, Ca
St. Anthony, Bakersfield
Virgin Mary Mother of the Light, Porterville
St. Gabriel, Dallas. TX
Virgin Mary of the Holy Belt, Ventura, CA.
St. Ahudemeh, Bismark, N. Dakota
Laughable Stories
By Bar 'Ebroyo
The Western Archdiocese of
the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, providing Syriac news,
spiritual guidance and leadership to the Syriac Orthodox community, is
a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization comprised of 25
churches and parishes in 17 western states. It was established in 1952
as the Archdiocese of the Syrian Orthodox Church encompassing the
entire United States and Canada. In November 1995 by the Holy Synod of
Antioch, the Western Archdiocese was formed to exclusively serve the
17 states of the western half United States.
417 E. Fairmount Rd., Burbank, CA 91501
Tel: (818) 845-5089 Fax: (818) 495-2440